Do This If You Want Cancer or Metabolic Disease
It isn't just "in our genes." What we do matters.
I’m a firm believer that we can create health1. What we choose, what we intend, has consequences.
Unfortunately, we have been brainwashed to think that illness “just happens” and there’s nothing we can do about it.
It’s true, in many cases it’s out of our control. But we are our own worst enemy when it comes to habitual behaviors that lead to sickness.
The programming tells us: It’s genetic. It’s not our fault. We are a helpless victim and there’s no point in changing our lifestyle. Take these pills, get this surgery, go home, and suffer.
If you or a loved one have been ill, or affected by illness, my heart goes out to you. To be clear, I’m not saying you are to blame.
If anything, the fact that we know how much others have suffered with illness should help us realize HOW IMPORTANT it is to do everything we can to stay healthy.
Don’t push this under the rug. Think about it. Realize that you can make a difference to your health, and it’s never too late to start.
Let’s highlight risk factors. Let’s look at things that could make us sick, and try to avoid those things.
If you know consciously that actions could lead to a metabolic disease like high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or dementia, but continue to do them? Then in essence you have chosen sickness.
Then there’s the monkey in the room, those people who break all the rules and get away with it.
“OK, Tim, but what about old Uncle Bob, who smoked nine packs of cigarettes a day, ate bacon covered in Doritos for breakfast, soaked his feet in gasoline, and had vodka for supper? He lived to be 999 years old!”
There are always these exceptions. So what if Uncle Bob2 had superpowers? That doesn’t mean that you should throw caution to the wind. Are you gonna get lucky like Uncle Bob? Probably not. You might get diabetes and have your feet amputated.
“But Tim, what about my niece who was only four years old when she got leukemia? She didn’t smoke cigarettes or eat Twinkies. She was innocent.”
That’s a tragic and terrible thing to happen to any person or family. My cousin lost a toddler to cancer, and it was devastating. These things seem senseless and leave us feeling that it’s just the luck of the draw.
But that doesn’t mean that we should ignore the things we can do to give ourselves the best chance of being healthy. We don’t know what environmental chemicals, viruses, or other causes that child or the mother were subjected to. Their situation is not yours or mine.
That’s what this is about. Increase your odds. Don’t choose illness. Choose to create health.
But. If you don’t mind risking your life and want to spend time and money in the medical system, then here is how to do it.
Do these things every day if you want to get sick.
1. Don’t Exercise
Do as little as possible. Make sure you get less than 2500 steps a day.3
Drive everywhere. Use drive-through windows to get all of your food. Use the drive-through automated teller at the bank. Park as close as you can to the Walmart doors. Make the dog walk itself.
Don’t take the stairs.
Stay inside.
Sit all day at work. Only stand up and move around if you’re about to pee yourself and can’t hold it any longer.
Go home and sit in front of a screen for the rest of the day. If you have to move about, shuffle and saunter to avoid raising the heart rate.
Avoid gyms and workouts. Never go to yoga.
2. Eat Large Quantities of Highly Processed Foods
Get as much frankenfood as you can in your body.
Gorge yourself on packaged and boxed stuff that was made in a factory. If it can sit on a shelve for ten years without going bad, it’s already bad! These are the foods to eat as much of as you can. Have several servings a day of shelf-stable frankenfood.
Avoid organic, pasture-raised, natural foods like carrots, beef, eggs, or bok choy. Eat Pringles, noodles, and Oreos instead.
3. Have a Lot of Stress, Anger, and Emotional Hangups
Don’t deal with your emotional problems. Bottle them up and bury them under work, food, and other distractions.
Always worry about the news and what’s going on in the world. Get angry. Protest the unfairness of things happening on the other side of the world. Always be angry, upset, and reactionary.
Avoid happiness, gratitude, purpose, and intention. Only react.
Make Road Rage, whining, and complaining the way that you deal with the world.
Refuse to forgive anyone. That way, the bad feelings can stay locked in your body and ferment. Punish your enemies by feeling terrible inside.
Eliminate happiness and never have gratitude for anything.
4. Smoke, Chew, or Vape
Stress your lungs as much as possible with cigarettes or vaping. Reduce your ability to get oxygen.
Tell everyone how vaping is so good for you and has no risks whatsoever.
Absorb nicotine from tobacco in huge quantities.
If you have children, make sure you hot-box them as much as possible and force them to breathe smoke in confined spaces like cars and living rooms.
Inhale copious amounts of tobacco or marijuana smoke and plug those lungs solid with carcinogenic contaminants.
5. Eat a lot of carbohydrates
Have your diet revolve around carbs and exclude other foods such as proteins and healthy fats. The easiest way to do this is to eat only processed foods that can sit in a package for months or even decades.
Snack often. Keep raising your blood sugar as much as possible. Never let your stomach get a break. Always have something jammed in your mouth.
Have sweetened drinks all day. Consume as much sugar and fructose as possible in liquid form. This will raise your insulin levels and make you inflamed and pre-diabetic. Your internal organs will be packed with visceral fat.
6. Make Sure You Never Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Go to bed late. Eat 15 minutes before you lay down. Have the TV and lights on. Sleep with your phone directly beside your head so notifications can bother you all night. Only give yourself a few hours to rest and never prioritize sleep.
If possible, do shift work and always take night shifts. Have a broken schedule that always changes.
Never go to bed before midnight.
7. Absorb as Many Environmental Toxins and Chemicals as You Can
Live in a house with black mold.
Work in a factory that exposes you to industrial chemicals. Breathe welding fumes, dry cleaning chemical fumes, or gasoline vapors daily.
Spread sunscreen containing benzene on your skin.
Eat and drink as many foods that have long, long lists of chemicals in them as you can. Only eat things with more than four ingredients.
8. Drink Alcohol Every Day
Alcohol is a poison. There is evidence that drinking too much alcohol can cause cancer.4
Hard alcohol in large quantities is the most effective at reducing your body’s resilience. But a few glasses of wine can also cause plenty of damage.
Beer is even better because it contains alcohol and carbs all in one. You can get alcohol poisoning and carbohydrate poisoning out of the way at the same time.
We don’t have to live perfect lives to stay healthy.
But we should be aware that unhealthy acts can increase our risks of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and many other metabolic diseases.
All of these behaviors are cumulative. And we can change our behavior if we decide to.
They stack up. Do all of these things for years, and you increase the odds of getting sick.
Our bodies are amazing, resilient creations that can adapt to so much, but there are limits. Do you really want to see how much it can handle before it breaks down on you?
What do you think? Are you as lucky as Uncle Bob?
My Uncle Bob died young with severe health problems, caused by poor diet and alcohol. He spent his last months living with a colostomy bag in the hospital.
If you walk more than 4,000 steps per day you reduce your risk of dying from any cause by 20% to 30%. Every thousand steps above that lowers your risks even further.
There is a strong scientific consensus that alcohol drinking can cause several types of cancer. Alcohol and Cancer Risk
Genetics can increase your risks for certain ailments but yes, your behaviour can either bring it on or stave it off or keep it at bay for a very long time. That’s why I got myself a standing desk. It’s not easy but attempting to work at it a little longer each day.
I don't know about any family without an uncle Bob. 🤣
Thanks for a very good read. It's very rare the genetics. Our daily lifestyle choices are decisive.