Glad you're back, Tim! I hope you can get a bit of respite and maybe a personal trip or three in this summer!
I've actually had a dream were I was defending myself from an intruder by swinging a kettlebell at their nether region.
Your suggestions jogged my memory and spurred a certain marketing thought. First, similar to your cat tree stabilizer idea, I do see kettlebells being used at the local farmer's market to hold down the tent. I'd like to imagine that in between planting, nurturing and harvesting, these farmers are doing some swings, squats and cleans. Maybe even farmer's carries, which would be too on point.
Second, the paperweight idea is quite brilliant to market to gym owners and personal trainers. Running a business and having lots of clients might mean that the paperwork piles up. I think that marketing fitness themed paperweights would be a nice fit, albeit a niche market.
Glad you're back, Tim! I hope you can get a bit of respite and maybe a personal trip or three in this summer!
I've actually had a dream were I was defending myself from an intruder by swinging a kettlebell at their nether region.
Your suggestions jogged my memory and spurred a certain marketing thought. First, similar to your cat tree stabilizer idea, I do see kettlebells being used at the local farmer's market to hold down the tent. I'd like to imagine that in between planting, nurturing and harvesting, these farmers are doing some swings, squats and cleans. Maybe even farmer's carries, which would be too on point.
Second, the paperweight idea is quite brilliant to market to gym owners and personal trainers. Running a business and having lots of clients might mean that the paperwork piles up. I think that marketing fitness themed paperweights would be a nice fit, albeit a niche market.
I'll be focusing on personal projects and summertime activities like hiking and paddleboarding for the next while.
Speaking of holding down tents, I've used mine for that while setting up camp before. The farmer carry is an obvious crossover!
Swinging at the nether region... 😂
So nice to have you back, Tim. This post was certainly a grand reentry attempt 😂😂
This was a joy to read!
Thank you! I appreciate your comment. It was a joy to write lol
Welcome back. Very funny. Hubby has been using ours lately. I use bands.
Thanks, glad to be back!
Ok, you use bands, but just for workouts? Or, do you lead a double life of writing/ espionage/ Dexter-ing?
Maybe we will never know.
Haha. Bands might be useful in the car, market, gardening... Not. They're a one-use wonder.
Ha ha. :D
I just re-entered my own yoga exercise routine (day 3 today) from a lengthy absence AND haven't written in two weeks so I get it, Tim. Same, same.
I love your disclaimer lol. Taking full responsibility for any potential intruder (or spousal) abuse... (wink, wink)
Enjoy your summer.
Hey, you clock someone with a chunk of iron, or set up a trip (see you next fall!) and you own it!
I had a little pent-up humor trying to find its way out