Hi, readers! I’m glad you’re here.
I want to share an inspiring account of total health transformation, without any drugs, or surgery. The best part: NO hours wasted in a gym suffering and struggling.
This is my friend Josh’s true story. He’s a real person, no bullshit, who got real results by going rogue and eating Rebel Foods. He changed everything in a few short months.
Maybe it won’t work for everyone. What causes your symptoms could be entirely different, and that’s why it is important to get some qualified medical advice. But Josh is a human being, and we are more alike than we want to admit. I think something here might help you or someone you know, so please share if you know someone else who could benefit from this story.
I won’t tell you that what Josh did was easy, but it was super effective. He made one big change and accomplished all of these things:
lost 35 pounds
Stopped using a CPAP machine and sleeps all night without it
Stopped taking meds for anxiety
Improved his mood and attitude
Better skin condition
More energy
Looks ten years younger
The biggest change was that he got HAPPIER. In short, Josh got his life back.
He did all of this without setting even one foot in a gym!
He did some extra walking and added more movement to his day, and that was it.
Disclaimer: This story is for entertainment purposes only. We are all individuals and have different genetics, situations, illnesses, and particular sets of conditions. What worked for Josh might cause you harm, take longer, or have less effect. I am not a medical professional and you are a fully functional adult who is responsible for your actions. By reading further, you accept that responsibility. Please consult your doctor before making big dietary changes, quitting medications, or throwing away your CPAP.
We don’t develop health problems without some sort of trauma or cause. Having to wear a CPAP to bed is a symptom of a bigger problem. Anxiety is a symptom of alarm in the body, caused by unprocessed emotions or trauma, which spills over into the brain.
Josh was having a bad couple of years. He broke up with the mother of his three children, and a new guy moved into the house when he got kicked out. That house was being fully paid for by Josh, so he was not only paying a mortgage for his ex and children but also making child support payments.
The new guy got a free place to live.
He had to avoid thinking about how unfair it felt. He had to pay for everything in his old life even though he couldn’t be a part of it. How could he get ahead now? How could he start over with a new girlfriend when he was being sucked dry like a juiced orange and thrown in the trash?
Josh rented a cheap room for himself and gave up, sacrificing himself for his family.
The money was a problem, the family situation filled him with grief. But Josh did what he had to do. He doubled down on work to make ends meet and worked harder, longer hours. He sacrificed things like sleep, nutrition, and self-care. He used alcohol and other substances to deal with his emotions and just kept trucking.
Eating gas station snacks and fast food, multiple beers after work, and boxed mac and cheese became a way of life. Before he knew it, he was forty pounds heavier.
Josh started having health problems. Crippling anxiety attacks and lack of sleep were affecting him at work. He slept in quite a few times and was struggling to show up.
Sleep apnea takes a toll. I used to have it and it makes life a lot harder (I’ve been in remission for years, and I’ll talk about that too one of these weeks.)
I saw Josh every day at work, and he was a mess. He was having paralyzing anxiety attacks that were destroying him. He was so short on sleep that his brain was unable to function properly. He was hiding from reality and dodging tasks, just hanging on by his fingernails.
His doctor had the ideal solution: drugs.
His doctor had the ideal solution: drugs. Oh yeah, and an appliance to strap to his face like a reverse scuba diver - a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure mask that would “help” him - as long as he could sleep while all strapped up and listening to the noise it made. He had to wear earplugs to try to deal with that aspect.
Diet and lifestyle were not even brought up. That’s because the doctor focused on symptoms and didn’t address the issues.
If the medication and CPAP had solved the problem, Josh could have lived happily ever after.
But they didn’t.
There were two monsters for Josh to tackle. One was the trauma, and the other was his diet and current physical state. Popping pills wasn’t helping, it was a stop-gap measure at best.
I want to ask you a question. Could it be that, in some cases, (Of course not ALL cases), anxiety and depression are caused or made worse by… your diet? Just think about it.
Josh started going out with a new lady, and she was having her own health issues. Weight gain, skin conditions, and more were making her miserable. She found out that what she and Josh were eating could be what was giving them some of their problems. So she convinced Josh to try something radical and new.
They became REBELS.
And a couple of months later, Josh looked and acted like a new man. He did it by going against the grain and eating differently than everything we’ve all been programmed to do by big business.
Josh and his girlfriend went on the carnivore diet.
Carnivore diet.
Be Open-Minded, Or Be Close-Minded, It’s Up To You!
I pick open-mindedness. I ask you to do the same.
When you read the words Carnivore Diet, do you have an irrational and emotion-based reaction?
Do you want to be a rational person who makes rational decisions? Or do you let yourself think only what family, church, corporations, and the government tell you to think?
It’s your choice. You DO have the freedom to entertain new ideas.
Josh stopped eating all processed foods — except bacon. He ate plenty of bacon.
He ate steak, ground beef, eggs, and pork chops. They cooked their food on the barbeque or in the oven. They used salt, butter or olive oil, and plenty of herbs like garlic, oregano, and dill. Josh was lucky because he had a teammate to help him cook and pack his lunch.
I watched him eat hamburger patties and bacon at noon when everyone else was eating mass-produced garbage squeezed out of the corporate factory tube. Sometimes he was having scrambled eggs he had prepared earlier that morning, while everyone else was eating sandwiches and “protein” bars and cookies.
We all thought he was nuts. Especially on the bacon part!
The first few weeks were hard for Josh, but he had made his mind up that he was going to give it a try.
He was low on energy while his system recalibrated to the new way of eating. He had to learn to burn fat instead of sugar, so he had headaches and was dragging his ass. He pressed on.
After that initial phase, Josh perked up and started feeling pretty good. Three weeks in, he wasn’t as hungry as he used to be, so he naturally started skipping breakfast and doing intermittent fasting.
That’s when the big changes started happening. He lost weight steadily even though he was eating a big handful of bacon and a fatty burger patty for his first meal of the day.
A couple of months in, Josh visited the doctor. He had already weaned himself off of the CPAP and wanted to lose the medication, so he decided to check in first.
But he knew he didn’t need it. The anxiety attacks were gone. He still had stress, but it wasn’t immobilizing him anymore. He had his old optimism back and he was feeling great.
Josh looked good too. Between the weight he’s lost, the fact that he was getting sleep again, and the bright expression in his eyes, he looked SO MUCH BETTER.
He was seeing someone for his emotional issues too. I’m sure it helped. But the real, tangible changes came from getting off of the ultra-processed garbage diet.
You Don’t Need to Eat Carnivore to See The Same Changes
What helped Josh so much was, in essence, a whole-food diet that limited processed food and carbs, was high in nutrients, and low in toxins.
He was in ketosis because he was eating less than 25 grams of carbohydrates a day. This switched his body to burning fat instead of sugar.
Josh wasn’t eating wheat, rice, or potatoes (or drinking beer!) So the overpopulation of harmful bacteria in his guts started to go away, and his stomach lining had a chance to heal up. The whole intestinal tract got back on track. He no longer had gas that could crop-dust a room and force bystanders into submission from lack of oxygen.
His brain wasn’t flooded with harmful substances and extra glucose, and since his hormones were getting back into balance, his mental functioning was clearer. His brain fog went away.
Josh had been living with chronic inflammation that was making his whole body sick. A lot of this came from Dr. Evil’s vegetable oil that all of his food was made out of or deep-fried in. The rest of the inflammation was from a carb-heavy diet low in protein. His body was cranking out the insulin, and he was pre-diabetic (like 90% of North Americans — we just know it.)
Now that the inflammation was gone he looked vibrantly healthy. He looked, for lack of a better word, sexy again.
You can get all of these things for yourself. Since you’re an individual, what worked for Josh may not do the same things for you. But getting off of the corporate food-tit would help anyone get healthier.
If you’ve read any of my other posts, you know what I think you should do to live healthy. Eliminate as much ultra-processed Frankenfood (wheat products, vegetable oil, fast food, and sugar) from your diet as you can, right now!
Going on the carnivore diet would do that, and I have seen how effective it is. But a plant-based diet could do the same if you could somehow get your protein intake high enough and the carbohydrates low enough. This might mean some sort of supplementation, but it’s possible.
An interesting thing to think about is that eating PLANTS and eating cookies made from plants is not the same thing, and vegetable oil is NOT a vegetable, it’s an ultra-processed food-like substance. So going plant-based shouldn’t mean eating vegetable oil and cookies, it should mean eating plants. Weird thought, right? Yet, you see ultra-processed “plant-based” foods everywhere in the grocery store.
I would love some feedback on this one. Comments?
If you are interested in making a change and trying what Josh did, but don’t know where to start, drop me a message. I would love to talk about it.
A little history. Back when the food industry realized that processed vegetable fats and artificial preservatives could increase the shelf life of processed foods, the supermarket chains were born, and the food manufacturers raked in tbe money. The result was an epidemic of heart disease, obesity and cancer. In order to deflect blame from their unhealthy products., they joined forces with government health authorities, the FDA and the big Pharma to convince us that saturated fats from meat, dairy and eggs were to blame. and the low fat diet was born. They also lied that Vitamin A could be obtained from colored fruits and vegetables (beta carotene), rather than fish, meat, dairy and eggs. This didn't stop the lies and deception, and the health crisis continues unabated.
This was super interesting to read! I am personally more of a plant girl, with some chicken, fish (and a lil bacon here and there - extra crispy please). My body does not want red meat. Just doesn't. I do pay attention to protein and try to get my protein from other sources. You are so right on your point that everyone is different - what might work for one, may not work for another. Seriously, great read!