Great info for the newbies. I’ve been gf, df, corn free, soy free and processed sugar free for 10 years. I also can’t do alcohol or caffeine. No more rashes, stomach aches, heart palps, the runs…

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I’ve got a rash right now. From two days of indiscretions that I am now regretting lol

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Oh no! Ban the indescretions.

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You had heart palpitations? That sounds uncomfortable and scary

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From caffeine. My body is so sensitive. Heart palps with prednisone too. Heart palps for two hours in recovery after my hysterectomy. Heart is fine tho says cardiologist. Thank G-d.

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Tim, I gotta say that aside from all the solid advice and info in here, your descriptions and memes are pure gold lol. I'm now imagining seeing you squatting behind a car on some rural Alberta road 🤣

Having been a fine dining server for a long time, trust me, I've heard EVERYTHING related to allergies vs intolerance vs sensitivities, etc. With the way we process so many foods nowadays, it's not even shocking.

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I enjoyed reading your post. After years of eating gluten, I became anemic - could not absorb nutrients because of my gut issues. I was so anemic that I could barely walk. My doctor told me to start taking iron pills and I should feel better. I did - but she did not address why I was anemic. I did an elimination diet and lo and behold - gluten. I am not a celiac (thank goodness) but very sensitive. I am also very sensitive to drinking alcohol which is a disappointment. No processed sugar, soy either. Boring.

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I'm glad to hear you found out what was giving you problems. This is a prime example of how you have to take charge of your own health and not just accept that pills will fix everything!

Thank you for sharing your story. Maybe it's a little more boring to watch what we eat and drink, but I like boring over anemia, rashes, and violent bathroom episodes

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Your memes had me rolling. And in between them you sandwiched some excellent info. While not everyone knows the differences, we've at least come a long way. I've had celiac for 20 years and decades ago nobody knew what it was. At least now some people can say 'That's that gluten thing right?'. I'm glad your found the treacherous source of your bowel havoc. Being gluten free isn't ideal but it's certainly better than changing your mailing address to your shitter.

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Hey, thanks for stopping by! It’s amazing how many people I’ve met online and off that have the gluten side effects.

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Yep. I always carry some baby wipes in the vehicle. And I’ve got no babies any more

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