Create Health - Be Healthy on Purpose
We all know what causes disease, but what causes health?
HI. I’m Tim from Time2Thrive, a newsletter that helps people find simple ways to get healthier, eat with intention, and care for their bodies.
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How to get rid of a craving: 23 Ways to Kick a Craving Right in the Nachos
You don’t need most pills: Your Doctor Would Be Flabbergasted If You Got Better
Pace Yourself - Eating isn’t a Race! Intentional Eating #1: Speed is the root of all mindless eating
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Most people have the superstitious belief that disease “just happens.”
That doesn’t mean it’s your fault.
But the truth is that we have plenty of ways to move the needle. There are levers to pull, and buttons to push, that will lead to more health.
There are causes of ill health. Environmental toxins, poor diet, lack of exercise, unfortunate physical accidents, stress that causes hormonal imbalance, and in some cases, genetics.
Note that I put genetics last since all of those other things are the more likely cause.
That’s right, you can’t blame genetics for all of your problems. But that’s good news! That means you can do something about your health. YOU CAN MOVE THE NEEDLE.
Decide that you want more health. Then create it for yourself.
Ways to Intend and Create Health
Intentionally eating nutritious food at least 80% of the time
Getting sufficient exercise
Dealing with stress
Getting enough sunlight
Avoiding dangerous things
Getting rest and sleep
1. Intentional Eating
What do you want for your body? What will make you feel good about your food habits? If we plan to eat healthy, nutritious foods 80% of the time, our bodies will have the nutrients they need to make repairs and stay on top of things. One cookie won’t kill you (although if you’re gluten intolerant and it’s a wheat cookie, you might think you’re dying as you sit on the toilet for an hour.) The most important thing is getting enough protein and healthy fats BEFORE the cookie.
If eating garbage causes sickness, then eating healthy food will cause health. It really is a no-brainer that you can cause health by eating food that supports you.
It’s no mystery. Intentionally eating instead of going goblin mode will create health.
2. Get Exercise
Sitting around is the new smoking. We all instinctively know that you either move it, or you lose it. Lack of motion causes you to solidify and get sick.
Good news! The reverse is also true, movement can cause health! Especially if it’s the right kind of movement in the right dose.
Cardiovascular exercise and strength training causes health.
There is no disputing it.
And it doesn’t have to be complicated. If you need more exercise, start by walking more. Count your steps, and just get more than you used to. Aim for 7000 + steps a day. You WILL create more health for yourself.
Weight training and cardio training are the next level. If you intend to be healthy, get exercise.
This excellent and well-researched article by
outlines what exercise can do for you.3. Deal With Stress
Stress can cause sickness. A nervous, tense body is throwing your hormones out of whack and keeping you in the fight-or-flight zone.
You can find ways to deal with stress that will create health.
Walking, workouts, exercise
Meditation, yoga
Spending time with pets, friends
“Fine, Tim, but I just don’t have enough time to do any of that!”
Okay, well do you have 60 seconds to follow this quick routine by
? Or are you so pressed for time that you can’t spend one minute to create health?4. Get Enough Sunlight
And by this, I don’t necessarily mean that you need to tan. I’m referring to going outside, under natural light. You could double this up with walking, and hit your exercise and stress-removal targets with one blow.
We spend most of our time inside, in cramped little rooms and stifling, unnatural buildings, doing things our bodies weren’t designed to do. Our circadian rythms are all messed up from the lack of natural sunlight. Our skin can’t make vitamin D.
We need to go outside.
Living under artificial lights can cause depression, sadness, and poor health. Whereas a correct dose of sunlight causes health, lets the skin make vitamin D, and lifts your mood so that your entire life goes better.
5. Avoid Dangerous Things
“What dangerous things? I’m not around any bears or sharks. What the heck you talkin’ about, Tim?”
Don’t put danger in your mouth. Vegetable oil and Frankenfoods are just two of those dangers.
And clowns. Always watch out for clowns.
6. Get Rest
Not getting any sleep? Then you are creating sickness.
Our lives are busy, so it seems like we always have a hard time getting enough rest. But without it, the body never makes complete repairs.
Your body is like a busy road that has a bunch of potholes in it. Every night construction workers try to fill in the holes or work on a bridge. But they have to keep diving out of the way of cars that go speeding by at 60 miles an hour.
Intend to get enough rest and create health.
Put up some construction signs. Close the road for at least six hours and let the workers do their thing.
Do you want to create health? Pick one of these levers, and push on it. See if you can move the dial, see if you can feel just a little bit better than before. See if you can take one of the negatives and turn it just a little bit more positive. I know that everybody here can do one of these things for sure.
I’m glad you stopped by. Thank you for reading! And remember to watch out for clowns
Oh wow Tim, what a great set of advice you have put up here! I LOVE and support where you say "sitting is the new smoking"... we are only starting to understand BIG time how vital the whole sitting-less is, and how it needs to become a priority. I found a few months ago someone who talks about removing chairs from your life. It sounds drastic but her advice is actually practical and it explains why and how we can all move more, sit differently, and even change the kind of shoes that we use on regular basis. She's one of the people I intend to interview for my newsletter. It's so so interesting.
And thanks so much for the mention! It means a lot. :)