Welcome to the Grateful Eight. This is a weekly list of things and experiences for which I am super grateful. They might be simple, beautiful things like a sunrise or a smile from a stranger. Or they might be curated resources that have been helpful to me, like a really good book or podcast.
Why am I doing this?
The world needs a bump up the vibrational ladder. There are plenty of people who are angry and anxious. Or, worried about all the anxious angry people. What we need is grateful people who stop to smell roses instead of posting conspiracy theories and spreading hate.
I intend to focus on the good out there. Things are not, in fact, as bad as many people make it out to be. We are surrounded by things to be grateful for, and if more of us looked at the good instead of uselessly griping, bitching, moaning, and complaining, we could get along so much better.
Does that statement make you angry? Good! I’m grateful that it makes you react that way. It’s a chance for you to check yourself. Are you a force for good in the world? Or are you magnifying the problems by focusing on them with laser-like intensity until the fire spreads?
Fight fire with fire, and everyone’s house burns down. There are always things to feel bad about if you choose the dark side.
This list is about feeling better. Why don’t you join me for a celebration of life?
On to the good stuff, my eight grateful things. These are in no particular order, on purpose. I won’t say which one is more or less important to me, other than the first: My number one person.
1. My Life Partner, Nicole.
Loving. Loyal. Beautiful. Honest (too honest, sometimes.) Caring. Supportive. Fun. Funny. Good mother. Fantastic daughter-in-law. Great daughter. Donator of blood. Has fantastic fashion sense.
I don’t need to say more, but I will. Nicole has stuck with me for decades. When I was thick and when I was thin. When I was healthy. When I couldn’t walk, work, or bathe myself after a bad work accident, even though I spent every day high on cheap alcohol and meds.
We had only been dating a short while when I got custody of my three-year-old son. She turned into a mom overnight and saved the day. I couldn’t have done it without her.
Nicole was always there for all of our kids and still is. And now she is helping me take care of my elderly parents, who can be a right pain in the butt.
Thank you, Nicole. You are a blessing in my life.
2. Living in Canada
Freedom. Health care. Nature and natural resources. Friendly and well-intentioned people. Optimistic, inclusive, and altruistic. Maple syrup. Beavers. Mooses.
I wake up every day in safety. There are no bombs dropping; no one is marching down the street with a rifle. The worst uprising we have had lately was a bunch of disgruntled truck drivers who honked their horns and plugged up the streets. Even if that didn’t end how the people wanted, no one was shot dead.
Canada has so much to offer. I will gladly pay taxes and follow a few laws in order to live here.
When someone from most other countries finds out you’re Canadian, they quite often wish they were, too. They don’t think, “Aww, that poor Canadian. He has such a shitty life. I bet he wishes he could live in the Gaza Strip with me. Tough. He can stay in his third-world country.”
Did I mention we have beavers, mooses, and maple syrup? It doesn’t get any better. (I am aware that mooses is the incorrect spelling. Just ignore it. We can be grateful for something as awesome as more than one moose, even if it’s spelled incorrectly.)
Oh, I almost forgot. Canada invented hockey (of course,) basketball and even football. Honest. Imagine if Canada didn’t exist. Americans wouldn’t have any sports to speak of at all. They’d be hanging around at stadiums with nothing to watch, drinking expensive beers and eating hotdogs while watching the grass grow on the field.
Thank you for Canada.
3. My Child, Beth.
Happy birthday, Beth!
Smart. Funny. Talented. Beautiful. Hardworking. Honest. Dependable. A great cat-parent. Skilled crafter of crocheted items. Excellent manager of scissor-wielding underlings. Fabled fantasy book collector. Master of Dungeons.
Beth has a bright future and so much potential. Whatever direction their life goes, we will be proud parents.
I am so grateful to have this person in my life.
4. Podcast: Esther’s Universe
This podcast was suggested to me by my friend India, who has been a bright light in my life as well.
It’s about personal spiritual growth. Unlike most such podcasts, it’s also hilarious and a bit off-color.
Here’s the description in Esther’s own words:
“If you’re looking to step into alignment, find your purpose, reignite your passion for life, and love yourself, this is the EXACT place you need to be. Esther’s Universe is full of compelling conversations, wisdom, energy, and general high vibrations, as well as real talk with my guests.
My whole goal is to help the world move forward into a better, healthier, happier direction.”
Esther is a high-energy person. She’s funny, bubbly and entertaining. And in the midst of all that, she drops truth bombs and wisdom nuggets.
An example is Episode 12. Its title is “Wanna Get Your Sh*t Together? Here’s How.” This one is loaded with actionable steps that could really change your life, no matter who you are.
I took notes.
She talks about Reiki and energy healing, parenting, living through dark times, and so much more.
I love it so much. Give it a listen.
Here is her website, where you can find out all about her podcast and other cool things she is up to: Esther’s Universe.
5. Breathing
Think about it. We’ve got all this air, and so far, no one is charging you a penny for it.
You can have all the air you want.
The air might not be perfect and clean in every location, but it’s free, and boy, is it ever abundant! Unless you go underwater or deep in a hole or into outer space, you will never run out, no matter how hard and fast you use it.
You can even choose not to take in air any longer. The world is full of little freedoms like this that we totally take for granted.
I love that we have air.
Join me in a free, deep breath right now. Let’s take a moment and enjoy life. Slow down. Breathe your free and abundant air, and be thankful for the small pleasures in life, like breathing.
6. Eric Pierce and his Friday High Five
Eric Pierce is the mastermind behind my favorite Medium publication, Fanfare. Recently, he branched out and created the newsletter All the Fanfare. Eric started sending out his Friday High Five, which is definitely something to be grateful for!
His focus is pop culture conversations and topics. If you like Film, TV, Gaming, and especially Star Wars, Eric can hook you up. I look forward to his emails every week.
“Every Friday I share 5 things that brought me joy this week. Also, high fives are inherently cool, and I think we can all agree Friday is the bestest day. Hence the Friday High Five. 🙏🏻” — Eric Pierce, All the Fanfare
Maybe you guessed that he inspired my Grateful Eight. Thanks, Eric, for all of the great content you either write yourself or help promote.
The link for All the Fanfare
7. Substack, Instagram, Facebook, and Other Free-to-Use Platforms
Social media air time is as plentiful as, well, air. You can post as much as you want and read or watch as much as you want.
This is unlimited connection potential. If you want to promote yourself or things you love, you can, and so easily.
That’s what I love about social media. It gives everyone an opportunity to create. Record a podcast and put it out there, and you have literally made something from nothing. Write a story, record a video clip, or send out a post. Moments before, your creation didn’t exist. What a time to be a creative soul!
The trick to things is this. Use them wisely. Create content, and it has the potential to work for you. Be a mindless consumer, and you can lose yourself in it.
Are you feeling inspired? Get out there and create something.
Leave a comment here for anything you’ve created, and I will go check it out.
8. Changing Seasons
It snowed today, October 24. (Yes, I live in Canada, we already established that!)
Winter is a great opportunity to celebrate nature and the beauty of icy landscapes. Snow covers everything with a clean white blanket. The trees go into hibernation, resting up and getting ready for another busy growing season. Nature resets.
Imagine a boring world with constant weather, never changing, always the same. Everything would be stagnant.
Instead, we have changing seasons and changing activities. Those who enjoy winter sports have skiing, skating, and sledding. The rest of us retreat to indoor activities in our cozy homes and buildings.
Spring brings life back to the landscape, and we can experience everything from gardening to sunbathing to paddleboarding.
Fall hits, and we have the harvest, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Then the cycle starts again.
I’m super grateful for the variety. Now, where did I put those long johns?
That’s it. Eight things. See you next week for eight more fantastic people, items, or experiences I love.
Photo/ Love Solutions/ Shutterstock
This is a great list! I knew a Canadian invented basketball, but I had to sit down upon learning football was NOT invented in the States. Without Canada, I'd probably be in a fantasy bowling league. Immense gratitude.
Appreciate the super kind words and the plug! I didn't realize you'd created a Substack but am now subscribed. :)